Home Automation Devices and IoT Installation & Maintenance

Smart home devices are the wave of the future. They make life easier, whether you are controlling the temperature in your home, recording your favorite program or reordering laundry detergent to be delivered to your doorstep. Apps Communications can ensure that your smart home devices are installed properly, so you can control the important aspects of your home from anywhere with ease. A smart home device can help you secure your home with cameras; ensure that doors are locked and front porch lights are on so you aren’t greeted with a scary dark entry. You can use cameras inside or outside to check on your home to ensure it is secure or to make sure the kids are in bed on time. Smart home devices make it easy for you to take charge of your dwelling so you can have peace of mind no matter where you are.

WiFi device Installation

The first step is having proper WiFi device installation that will allow you to connect to the Internet throughout your home. Our experts have the skills required to ensure that you don’t have any “dark” areas that would give off a poor signal. Without a proper WiFi device installation, none of your smart home devices will work properly. You need access to the Internet if you want to check on your home while you are across town having dinner or away on a business trip. Proper WiFi device installation is a critical part of your ability to access the Internet for all of your daily uses. Apps Communications will set you up with our high-speed Internet connection using the latest equipment and a WiFi device installation that you can count on. Whether you are in your living room or across town, Apps Communications sets you up so that you can access your smart home device whenever you want, wherever you want.

Access Point Installation

Access point installation is part of the security feature of your smart home device. Ensuring that every entryway of your home has been successfully covered is a critical part of a efficacious security plan. It also allows you to have complete control over your home, so you can have the peace of mind that all doors and windows are locked, when you leave. In addition, access point installation will make sure that there are no “dark” spots within your home where you are unable to receive an Internet signal. This can make it hard or impossible for your smart home devices to work as it should. For instance, you may not be able to turn on the lights in a basement, if the Internet is not reaching that area of the house. Apps Communications will ensure that there are no dead zones in your home. We will also cover every access point within your home for full security.

Router Installation

Router installation is an important part of the process that customers are often unaware of or overlook. This part of the process allows every device to “speak” to each other, so your computer, phone, tablet, etc., can work with your printer. Your router may also be used to direct information to other smart home devices within your home such as lights, thermostats, doorbells with cameras, keypad locks, or other items that you might want to sync. The experts at Apps Communications can help you determine what should be included with your router installation such as your Smart TV or other items. We are happy to discuss your router installation needs with you.

Device Setup

Device setup will vary for every customer. Apps Communications works with each customer individually to determine what your device setup requirements are. When you are looking at smart home devices, every customer will have different needs, so it makes sense that device setup will vary. We look forward to designing the device setup for your smart home devices.